Tuesday, October 21, 2014

don't see it as conviction; see it as inspiration

Jesus has a way of revealing truth, of exposing my insides and poking at all the little holes and areas of inconsistency within me. I knew that this year at the Bible Institute was going to be one of intense growth, and I am so glad to see the things He is showing me daily. Today I learned that I have struggles in the area of emotional purity and contentment with my circumstances.

By desiring a relationship above all, I am telling God that where I am at right now is not good enough for me. By focusing on a relationship that I have not yet attained, I am throwing all my emotions into an idol and distraction that is not God. I long to see Him change me daily, as He is already doing, so that I may grow into the woman of Christ that I have always longed to be. It is my prayer that my focus would change and that I would pursue the Lord wholeheartedly.

Yet even in my inadequacy and insecurity and exhaustion, God continues to use me to uphold others and encourage them in their walk. He puts people in my path that I never could have seen coming, that were a part not of my plan, but of His. One verse I am fond of is this:

"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose." ~ Romans 8:28

He is never done using us. And everything has a purpose! By the way, I had computer problems while trying to write this so clearly someone must need to hear it. The devil always opposes things, especially where technology is concerned. At least, this has been my experience.

If anyone has any prayer requests, lemme know. I'd love to pray for you!
Peace out, Tuesday. Peace out.

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